3 New Year’s Resolutions to Keep Your Home Clean

With the arrival of 2020, many homeowners are setting some goals for their home for the New Year. However, unless you’re a professional, the task of decluttering and cleaning your entire home can seem pretty overwhelming. That’s why our team … Continued

Your DIY Quick-Clean Guide

When it comes to keeping your house clean, the day-to-day responsibilities fall primarily on your shoulders. Sure, you may use Christina’s Complete Clean for that semi-annual deep clean or when you’re in a pinch during the holiday season. But you’re the DIY … Continued

Schedule Your Annual Spring Cleaning

It’s that time of year. As the air turns warmer and you get to enjoy that beautiful spring breeze in Indiana, you’re ready for your house to have a fresh start too. However, with busy schedules and needing some down time … Continued

5 Least-Favorite Things to Clean

No matter who you are, you have that one place in your home you hate to clean. For most of us, we pass by it every day, just ignoring it or hoping it will magically take care of itself—but (surprise, … Continued

Enjoy Spring & Leave Cleaning to the Pros

Hoosiers rejoice as winter weather finally melts into spring. You’re ready to burst forth from your Indianapolis homes and enjoy some time at the park, riding bikes on the Monon Trail, or grilling with the neighbors. While your house could … Continued