Start Your Summer with a Clean Home

The kids are out of school, the weather is steadily heating up, and summer activities have completely taken over the family schedule. Summer is here in Indiana and it’s a great time to tackle a few cleaning tasks to make sure your home stays sparkling clean this year. At Christina’s Complete Clean, we believe in working hard to keep a house clean, so these are just three things that you can do at the beginning of every summer to start off on the right foot.

Summer Cleaning List

1. Dust and Reverse All Ceiling Fans

It can be hard to remember to dust your ceiling fans throughout the year, especially if you don’t tend to use them during the cooler months. However, ceiling fan blades can stir up dust and pollen in your home if they aren’t cleaned regularly. So, before you turn them on to beat the summer heat, remove all dust and debris, and use an all purpose cleaner to make sure they are really clean. Then, make sure the direction of your blades is spinning counterclockwise to push air down and create a cool breeze.

2. Wash Window Treatments

Another task that tends to get neglected is cleaning window treatments. If you have curtains hanging in your rooms, they are picking up dust, hair, and dirt all day long and should be laundered every three months or so. While your curtains are down, take the opportunity to give your blinds a good dusting as well. Even if they don’t look it, they are probably dustier than you realize, and removing that dirt will make them seem brighter.

3. Clean Kitchen Cabinets and Fridge

Finally, you’re going to want your kitchen to be prepared for all the backyard BBQs you’re planning, so make sure it’s looking it’s best. If you have young kids, you probably see evidence of little hands all over your kitchen cabinets; remove these little hand prints with warm soapy water before the grime really adheres to your surfaces. Additionally, you’re going to want extra space in your fridge this summer for BBQ supplies and fresh fruit, so go ahead and clean it out now. You probably have expired condiments that have been there since last year!

Need help keeping your house clean this summer? Our team at Christina’s Complete Clean is up to the challenge! Check out our frequently asked questions and some recent reviews to learn more about us, and then contact our office in Carmel at (317) 564-4244 to request an estimate.