It’s Time to Reclaim Your Basement

Keeping a home neat and organized is no small chore. Most homeowners have to make a conscious effort to continue to put everything in it’s place, every time. However, if your home has a space that you don’t visit every day, like a basement, it’s possible that you’ve let it get out of control. We understand how that can happen – out of sight, out of mind. But if you’re actually ready to start using your basement for more than just unorganized storage, our team at Christina’s Complete Clean is here to help. Take our advice, and you’ll actually want to spend time in your basement!

Decluttering the Basement

Declutter and Purge

Let’s be honest, decluttering and actually getting rid of things is as much a physical job as a mental one. It’s not just about the effort of going through your things, it’s also about asking yourself some tough questions. Whatever you have stored in your basement, you’ve kept this long for a reason, so don’t be afraid to truly consider each item. However, we do encourage you not to keep items just because you feel too guilty to get rid of them. If your mother-in-law hasn’t noticed that you didn’t hang up the picture she got you for Christmas 5 years ago, she’s not likely going to bring it up now. Donate, sell, or throw away anything that you no longer have use for.

Categorize and Label

After you’ve decided what to keep and what to toss, its time to start organizing your items into groups. Once you’ve got a good idea of what you’ll be storing, you’ll be able to purchase containers to label and store everything. Try using clear storage boxes that are easy to see through and stack on top of one other. This way, you’ll be able to easily access those Christmas decorations without having to dig when December rolls around.

Leave Nothing on the Floor

Our final tip is to make sure you aren’t leaving any loose items on the floor. That is a slippery slope right back toward the cluttered basement you just cleared. If something doesn’t fit into one of your categorized boxes, allow yourself one miscellaneous box. Also, if something is too large to fit into a storage box, designate one area or corner in the room for large items only.

If you’re ready to tackle your chaotic basement but the job is just too big for you, don’t stress! Instead, call in reinforcements. Whether you need the help of a professional organizer or you would like to discuss our house cleaning services in Carmel, Westfield, Zionsville, and the north side of Indianapolis, we’d love to help! Contact Christina’s Complete Clean at (317) 564-4244 to learn more about our services or to request a quote.